Common Questions was started in order to share amazing travel deals with others. Our goal is getting people to travel more 😊

We are NOT a travel agency, we do not issue plane tickets or sell accommodations. We simply find amazing deals and point you to a trusted source 🀝

Browse our deals, find the one you love, go ahead and book it with our partners, explore the world 🌎

No algorithms scanning for deals. Computers are cool, but they don’t travel unless a human brings them along. Our deals are hand-picked by humans who love to travel ✌️

Totally free. Check out our deals, tell your family and friends ❀️

Very very safe. We don’t need you credit card or name or email if you don’t want to sign-up. We just find deals and hope you get to see that place you’ve always dreamed of πŸ—Ί

Yes they do, and kind of quick. It’s recommended that you’re ready to book within the week in order to make sure you save a ton of moneyπŸ’°

Yes you can. In most cases dates and times can be adjusted to make it a perfect deal. The prices rarely increase if you play with the dates that are close to the posted ones. πŸ“†Β 

We look for deals from all the airlines including budget ones like Southwest, Spirit and Frontier. If you would like to fly with a specific airline, make sure to look for your airline during the booking process ✈️

We currently have 19 cities to choose from. Some are paired up because of their proximity πŸ™

If you’d like to see your city, go ahead and send us a message, we’ll see what we can do πŸ“«

You can use the search function to look for destinations or you can click on Search & Book and look for an exact flight πŸ”